Batman: The Detective #1

DC ⋅ 2021

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Key Facts

1st appearance of Squire, a girl named Amina

Six-issue limited series that takes place in the United Kingdom

1st team appearance of Equilibrium, an organization with unknown motives

Issue Details




Andy Kubert


Tom Taylor


April 2021


THE DETECTIVE, PART ONE An epic tale begins that will take Batman on a harrowing, action-packed European adventure!  A horrific tragedy in the United Kingdom sends a very personal and deadly message to the Dark Knight - one that will draw Batman out of Gotham City to investigate!  From the moment he lands in Europe, Batman will face a difficult investigation and unheard-of adversaries and find the assistance of a partner once more - all in the hunt for the villain known as Equilibrium!  New villains!  New allies!  A thrilling overseas adventure begins for the Dark Knight!

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